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Mini Boxes That Hold Three Liters of Wine

We were recently introduced to a new wine box. We know that wine boxes are old hat by now, but these new boxes have a really interesting twist; they fit in the fridge without taking up all the room on the shelves. These mini boxes hold three liters of wine which is...

Long Shadows

Hard times bring hard decisions in almost every field of endeavor. The wine industry is no different than the rest of us. Do we sell the vineyard to a larger producer? Do we just forfeit on our financial encumbrances and just give it over to creditors? What do we do?...

Wild Horse Wines.

There are two ways to get grapes for winemaking, grow them or buy them. If the grapes are grown, the winemaker is stuck with what he has grown and must go on from there, regardless of the quality of the fruit. Buying the grapes offers the winemaker the option of...

H.R.M. Rex Goliath

The latest vintage of the big chicken wines, H.R.M. Rex Goliath, are in the marketplace right now. Just FYI, His Royal Majesty Rex Goliath was the record setting, largest known rooster who weighed in at a finger licking 47 pounds. Whatever drove the winemakers to name...

Undurraga – Good Wines From Chile

For many years, in the “way back when,” among the only Chilean wines available in the United States came from Undurraga. This winemaker, founded in 1865, lead the way for the rest of the Chilean vintners to sell their wares here. Chilean grape vines are grown on...