by Ben Bodenstein | Reviews
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own vineyard? There was a commercial recently on television that ridiculed the idea of becoming a vineyardist to augment ones retirement. Well, the possibilities are definitely there to purchase an existing vineyard and get into...
by Ben Bodenstein | Reviews
Destiny, kismet or fate, but it was inevitable that sooner or later the wine industry would become intertwined with the cell phone age, more specifically, texting. The amalgamation finally happened when a winery named TXT Cellars was formed. To finalize their...
by Ben Bodenstein | Reviews
To start the new year off in a really great way, Mirassou vineyards, a California icon, who has been making wines in that state for 150 years, has released its newest vintages and they are a tribute to Mirassou, and the California style of winemaking which they had a...
by Ben Bodenstein | Reviews
The New Year’s celebration is just around the corner, so, as a service to our readers, and because champagnes and sparkling wines are an integral part of the celebration, we thought that we should say a few words about those wines. There are a great many...
by Ben Bodenstein | Reviews
Is your favorite red wine cabernet sauvignon or merlot? If so, you are not alone, these varieties are today, the most popular red wines in the world. There was a time, about 500 years ago, when the only place that grew these grapes was the Bordeaux region of France...
by Ben Bodenstein | Reviews
There is an ancient Japanese saying “take the obvious and reverse it” and that is what we usually try to adhere to, especially when gift giving. We look at the obvious gifts that we give and ask the question “would we want that?” We have...