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Portuguese Wines that Ain’t Port

Humans are a naturally curious breed and are always exploring something, be it outer space or the bottom of the sea. We leave those explorations to the scientists, but what is there left for the everyday, average person to explore? One popular field of exploration is...

Dry Creek Vineyards … Great Wines

We are often asked, “what is your favorite wine” or “what variety do you like best”? Unfortunately, because we write about so many wines, it is impossible for us to have one favorite. There are however certain producers that we are, shall we say, partial to, one of...

The Wines of Franciscan Estate

We find ourselves in a quandary. What can we write about Franciscan Estate wines that will entice a reader to read on? Unfortunately, Franciscan Estate was not founded by the illegitimate third son of impoverished Bulgarian royalty or by an immigrant family who...

Cultivate Your Wine Intrest

Cultivate, that’s a pretty simple name for a wine, but behind that name lays pure dynamite. The dynamite is not only with wines of Cultivate, but it is what they do with the money derived for their sale. Ali and Charles Banks have been producing fine wines for decades...

Missouri Wines… Pretty Darned Good

We stand self accused of a crime that we loath in others, wine snobbery. In our many years of writing about wine, we have purposely stayed away from locally made wines because we found them to be, almost universally, garbage. Moving to Missouri, we went out of our way...

Thomas Jeffrson Finally Wins

For his entire life, wine lover Thomas Jefferson attempted to grow vitis vinifera, the European wine grapes, in the original thirteen states and most specifically, in his home state of Virginia. Jefferson was a famous wine connoisseur in his own right and was consumed...